Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sibling Calvary

By Wilfredo Gonzalez

“What’s the difference from a man with disabilities and a man without?” I asked my mom one Sunday morning. My mother said to me “There is no difference". After that, that's how I see people with disabilities. There is no difference between them and the average man. The only difference is that their brains work differently. That's how I've been able to love and appreciate my brother and not see him as a sibling with autism, but as my brother.  At times it's hard because I have to make sure he's well behaved. But all in all he's just like any other sibling.

What I always wonder, if I were to leave or if I had to go, what would my brother do? He doesn't take authority well. He prefers to do things in his own way. So I began to learn entrepreneurship soon I became aware of the benefits of owning your own business, for me and for my brother. I now see the value in the freedom of owning your own business, and deciding the success and financial gain of an entire company through your own ideas and pathways. Ideas are what have made this country one of the most economically prominent countries in the world, because innovators and free thinkers decided to change the status quo with these ideas.  Why can't the same be for those with disabilities? 

My current business model is an app in which a person can order a standby photographer for any event and however long. I can use my brother and other people with disabilities to interact with the customers. I will need a great deal of employees and I will certainly include them in all innovation side by side with all employees. I am sure my brother and I can create a business model that will improve the relationship between businesses and our beloved community with disabilities. Why can’t you?

Willy (left) & Isaiah (right)

 About the Author:
"Willy" is a H.S. Senior in Broward County currently in the process of starting a business for himself that will include his brother, Isaiah, who has Autism. Willy is a current student of the E4i Entrepreneurship Fall Sessions. He is a prime example of how people with disabilities who have family members who want to be entrepreneurs, can benefit from the venture. Isaiah will also receive education in Self-Employment.  


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