Monday, June 9, 2014


Supported Self-Employment provides the opportunity for individuals with disabilities to own a business with appropriate resources and supports.  Individuals who meet the criteria for Supported Employment and are interested in Self-Employment may pursue Supported Self-Employment.
Supported Self-Employment differs from Self-Employment because the individual requires and receives supports and ongoing assistance in the daily running of the business.  Supports are not time limited and may be needed for the life of the business. 
Florida’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) established a goal to increase Self-Employment outcomes and created the CBTAC program.
The CBTAC program was developed to provide support to VR Counselors and individuals with disabilities interested in pursuing Self-Employment or Supported Self-Employment as an employment outcome.  CBTACs assist an individual through the business development process and are available throughout Florida. Picasso Einstein, LLC is a Florida Vocational Rehabilitation CBTAC provider.
If you are a recipient of VR services and are interested in Self-Employment or Supported Self-Employment, express your interest to your VR counselor. If Self-Employment is a viable option for you, your VR counselor will refer you to a CBTAC provider to begin your exciting journey of independence through self-employment!

Florida Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; Self-Employment and Supported Self-Employment Best Practice and Informational Guide; February 2014