Monday, August 18, 2014

Perspective on The Entrepreneurial World from a Person with Disabilities!

Written by Christian Mejia (Founding Class member of Marino College Entrepreneurship Program)

The idea of Entrepreneurship is developed in the mind of human beings that are tired of being held in the patterns of the routine of everyday: Waking up, going to work, making the usual $8.00 an hour, eating lunch, going home, sleep, and waking up the next day to do the same thing all over again. Entrepreneurship, the need to problem-solve and the desire to master something, is something that the human being is born with.

Entrepreneurship is important in life because you begin to grasp what goes on around you, and appreciate how the big companies made it through tough times and yet stuck to their dreams and eventually became successful. We all have dreams, but entrepreneurship doesn’t allow for those dreams to stay as dreams but rather turns them into a reality of your life.

I think and feel deep in my heart that people with disabilities should be entrepreneurs because it all comes down to one word: PASSION! I often write about this word passion, because my entrepreneurship instructor once told me, “if you are going to do something and get paid for it, do it for something you love.” Passion is what stirs up your heart into the right direction in life. It’s unfortunate however that the world, doesn't give people with disabilities a chance to really prove themselves, and more importantly, pursue their passions. People with disabilities end up fighting to get what they want out of life and are forced to be relentless to get even the simplest things out of life.

The Education of Entrepreneurship is quite interesting. But, when talking about people with disabilities and entrepreneurship, it’s fascinating. There is a skewed idea in the world of what a person with a disability is. People in general think of someone that won’t be able to make it in the real world. How wrong of an assumption. A person with disabilities also has a natural thirst and search to fulfill what they have within themselves and long to ‘climb’ mountains.

It’s very important for people with disabilities to see and view entrepreneurship as something achievable because they hold all the potential within themselves to be happy, and to be successful. I think it’s fascinating to read about entrepreneurs that have disabilities. I found out recently that one of these entrepreneurs is Ludwig Van Beethoven. Beethoven was one of the greatest musicians to ever exist; yet for the later part of his life, he was deaf. In his early life, he became a very famous pianist. He had a mysterious ability that led him to create famous compositions, one after another. After he was 28, he started becoming deaf and his personal life wasn't as good anymore. In his lifelong journey, he composed various famous sonatas such as Waldstein and Appasionata .

Another fascinating entrepreneur is Caiseal (Cash’l), author of bestselling fantasy novels. He is of Australian and Irish descent. He also composes and records music, with 13 albums recorded. He is well known by his books and album covers, designed by him. When he was a child, he was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, which was highlighted in his autobiography called “A Blessing and a Curse”; Autism and Me (2007).

Dreams are for everyone, even for people with disabilities. It’s necessary for people with disabilities to plan out their future and set goals with a due date for each one. Once you have that due date, set your abilities to work towards those goals. Life is the outcome of what you make it. If you need a little push, make sure there will be people around that will support you and help you. And most importantly, the people around you must always assume you CAN do something, focus on your abilities, and not on your disabilities, focusing so much on what you cannot do.

Success starts with the attitude you have towards life. Ask yourself: What do you want? When do you want it? Where do you want to be? And last but not least why do you want to be there? It’s only a matter of decision-making and decision-action. You alone hold the power in your hands to become and be anything that you want to be. Dreams are for everyone, even for you,.

Entrepreneurship has changed the outlook of my life and my future because it has opened my eyes to see beyond who I am. It has allowed me to understand the full potential within me, and has led me to believe in myself more than anything else in my life. Entrepreneur is who I am, not what I do.

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